Tired of searching for the right Sales or Marketing tool?

Let our EZPZ team members make a suggestion and even help you get signed up for the tools we use.
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    Here are three BIG categories we would recommend covering

    Some of the capabilities will overlap depending on what tools are picked.
    Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011


    Customer Relation Management tools like Salesforce, Hubspot, Monday, etc are a must have for any sales organization. They help maintain order and display analytics to help the sales organization move forward.

    Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

    Data / List Building.

    Tools like Apollo, Zoominfo, Seamless, etc are going to be a must have if you intend to do any outbound prospecting.

    Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011

    Inbound Management

    Tools like HighLevel will provide you the best inbound lead management. Using landing pages, funnels, automations and more to see the sale through.

    Plans & Pricing

    What is your company’s biggest hurdle?


    with basic IT requirements
    $850 Per Session
    • Audit of existing technology
    • Suggestions of what technology to add according to the budget
    • Instructions on how to best implement
    • Complimentary bid to have an EZPZ team member set up included

    Built For You

    with advanced IT requirements
    $7,500 Per Session
    • Outbound process custom to your company built and handed over for in-house management.

    Built For You

    with premium IT requirements
    $7,000 Per Session
    • Inbound process build custom to your company built and handed over for in-house management.
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Our consulting service is designed to help businesses audit and enhance their sales and marketing workflows. We specialize in implementing AI tools and strategies for list building, prospecting, email campaigns, and other outbound efforts, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in your operations.
    Our consulting services provide expert insights into optimizing your sales and marketing processes. We help you identify areas for improvement, suggest the best AI tools and strategies, and guide you in implementing solutions that increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve results.
    Our process begins with a thorough audit of your current systems and practices. We then identify areas for improvement and tailor a strategy to your specific needs. This includes recommending and implementing AI tools, providing training, and offering ongoing support.
    We take a customized approach, considering your business size, industry, target audience, and specific goals. We stay informed about the latest AI technologies and trends, ensuring the solutions we recommend are not only a good fit but also future-proof.
    The duration of a consulting project varies based on the scope and complexity of your needs. However, we aim for efficient implementation without compromising quality. We will provide a timeline estimate after our initial assessment.
    Our unique advantage lies in our specialized focus on AI-driven sales and marketing solutions. We combine deep technical expertise with practical business acumen, ensuring that the solutions we provide are both technologically advanced and strategically sound.
    Success is measured through key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your business goals, such as increased lead generation, higher conversion rates, time saved in processes, and overall ROI from implemented solutions.
    We provide comprehensive post-implementation support, including monitoring the performance of implemented solutions, offering training and assistance as needed, and making adjustments to ensure continued effectiveness and efficiency.

    If you don’t find your answer, feel free to give us a call or drop us a note