ROI Calculator

Use our calculator to see the real results we can drive for your business.

How much time is spent conducting tasks that can be filled in by our tools or team?

Estimated Cost Savings from Time Saved:


How it Works?

Our ROI calculator is designed to help you determine the potential return on investment you can achieve by working with EZPZ.

Return on Investment (%)

( TotalRevenue − MoneySpent )


X 100

Total investment in the lead generation service.

Total leads provided by the service.

Estimated revenue from each lead

Percentage of leads that convert into customers

Example Scenario

The Traditional Approach: Manual Sales Efforts
Consider a salesperson with an annual salary of $100,000. Assuming a 40-hour workweek, their hourly rate is roughly $48 (without accounting for benefits, bonuses, and other overheads).
The Technological Shift: Investing in Automation
Now, let’s consider the cost of a sales automation tool. Prices vary, but for this example, we’ll use a mid-range tool costing $500 per month, totaling $6,000 annually.
Comparative Analysis
The Breakdown
Additional Considerations
While the initial investment in technology might seem substantial, the long-term savings, both in terms of cost and time, are significant. Automation not only frees up valuable time for sales professionals but also offers scalability and consistency that manual methods can’t match. In an era where efficiency and agility are key to business success, investing in the right technology is not just a smart choice; it’s essential for staying competitive.